Poetry Competition Terms & Conditions

ELIGIBILITY for Sussex Poetry Competition

  1. Open Competition – Entry is open to anyone over the age of 16 years by the closing date, with links to Sussex – ie has lived, worked, studied or was born here.
  2. Students Competition (Free Entry) – Entry is open to all students with links to Sussex, currently attending courses, up to the closing date of the competition which is midnight UK time on Sunday October 24th Proof of study will be required.
  3. Entries may be on any subject provided they are in English and have not previously been published in any form including on the internet.
  4. Entries should not be submitted to other competitions or for publication until the results are announced at the BHAC Poetry Festival.
  5. The Executive Committee of Brighton & Hove Arts Council are not eligible to enter.
  6. The competition closing date is Sunday 24th October 2021 (Midnight UK time). Poems received after this date will not be accepted – entry monies will be refunded.



  1. Each poem should have a title and not exceed 40 lines. It can be on any theme or subject.
  2. Each poem to be on a separate sheet. There is no limit to the number of entries.
  3. Please do NOT include your name on the actual poem. All poems are judged anonymously.
  4. All entries must include a completed entry form. The entry form may be photocopied.
  5. The fee is £6 for the first poem and £4 per additional poem. Student competition is free entry.
  6. Enter online at bh-arts.org.uk or send entries to:

Sussex Poetry Competition, Brighton & Hove Arts Council, c/o Flat 7, 159 Marine Parade, Brighton, BN2 1EJ

  1. If you would like confirmation that your entry has been received please enclose a stamped addressed envelope or postcard.
  2. Payment must be by cheque or postal order made out to Brighton & Hove Arts Council.
  3. Winners will be required to take part in any publicity surrounding the Competition.
  4. The Prizes will be given out at the Poetry Festival at The Old Market on November 21st.
  5. Jackie Kay has kindly agreed to give out the prizes.
  6. Entries will not be returned so please keep a copy.



  1. Judge for the BHAC Poetry Competition will be Dr. Moriarty MA, course leader of creative writing at the University of Brighton.
  2. The judge’s decision is final and neither the judge nor Brighton & Hove Arts Council will enter into any correspondence.
  3. Overall winners will be notified in November 2021. The exact nature of their win will be announced in full at the Awards Ceremony which will take place at the Old Market, Hove on Sunday November 21st . Winners will be invited to read their poems on stage and given free entry to the festival; pre-purchased tickets will be refunded.
  4. Copyright remains with the author, however, winning poems will be published on Brighton & Hove Arts Council’s website.



1ST PRIZE – £1000

2ND PRIZE – £250

3RD PRIZE – Work – Write – Live Creative Writing Course donated by the University of Brighton worth £250.

FOUR PRIZES of £25 for poems considered highly commended by the judge.


1ST PRIZE £150, TWO PRIZES of £25 for poems considered highly commended by the judge.


