BHAC Spring Art Exhibition 2017
The Private View, by invitation to group and individual members only, of the 2017 BHAC Spring Art Exhibition at the Friends’ Meeting House in Ship Street, Brighton, took place on Wednesday 26th April, following a very successful first day. Both artists and other group member representatives enjoyed the opportunity to meet with each other, the BHAC committee and other volunteers, and to meet with the present Mayor of Brighton & Hove, Councillor Pete West, who officially opened this year’s Exhibition following the welcome by BHAC Chairman, Vaughan Rees OBE.
With around 120 hanging exhibits this year, including some embroidery art, and a large selection of prints to enjoy, old friends to greet, new friends to make, and some tasty nibbles to eat, the time flew by!
This year’s Exhibition was very kindly sponsored by and
With thanks to our committee member, Tina Stiles, for organising a great exhibition again this year, and our thanks again to our sponsors –
(For other formats of the photographs shown above, please contact Nick Ford, either by email or via Facebook.)