Dupont Art Club’s Annual Exhibition

Dupont Art Club  (21st August 2018)

This year was a successful year for the Dupont Art Club’s annual art exhibition.

We saw close to 500 people attend with over £1000.00 in sales. We were pleased with these numbers considering the poor weather for half of the days. This year we set up a separate area for our gifts and cards which proved very popular and successful with sales better then ever.

There were many people voicing an interest in joining this September which would be lovely.  We also had a delightful lady sit down at the piano and give a impromptu recital.  We captured her pictured with John Hird enjoying the music.


Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing

The  Peoples Choice Award was won by Pam Monk. This beautiful oil painting was called ‘the Sting’.  (The award was accepted by Pam Monk’s husband and presented by Chair, John Hird.)  The runner up was Carol Cleveland with her painting of Prince.

Also on display was work done by Dupont members back in 2014 based on the original painting “Gassed” by John Stringer Sargent.  (His original, painted in 1918/19,  is on display at the Imperial War Museum, London.)  A copy of the original was cut into 24 pieces and members then painted the individual sections, ensuring that they would match when put together.



All in all, it was a successful exhibition with many people commenting on how professional the paintings were painted and exhibited.

(Judy Alexander, Dupont Art Group)