History of the Brighton Philharmonic Orchestra

Brighton & Hove Philharmonic Society  (17th May 2017)

A request from The Park Centre Wives group in Burgess Hill to give a talk about the history of the orchestra set Brighton & Hove Philharmonic Society chairman, Nicolas Chisholm, MBE, the challenge of finding out some fascinating details.

The Brighton & Hove Philharmonic Society is fortunate to possess a complete set of programmes from 1925 onwards, and a comprehensive analysis of them by long-time Friend and supporter of the orchestra, Trevor Bolton.  Nicolas spent some time researching this treasure trove and following up many leads that now appear on the internet.  

In addition to a talk on the history of the orchestra in October at the Brighton Unitarian on behalf of BHPS, Nicolas would be very happy to present this talk, an hour long and illustrated with a good number of photographs, to other groups in the local area to spread the word about the orchestra so if you are a member of a group that would like to book him please contact him via the BPO Office or on: nicolaschisholm@brightonphil.org.uk

(For details of the Brighton Unitarian talk on 14th October 2017, please visit our online calendar)