Open Strings Music at Brooke Mead

Open Strings Music (20/3/20)


Now that Brooke Mead is closed to outside activities, we are reflecting on alternative ways that we can continue to use music to reach out to people living with dementia and their carers in this time of profound social isolation.

Despite some empty chairs, last week’s session carried a wonderfully warm atmosphere.  Most of our participants from the community were not able to make it, as several were already self-isolating.  We used fewer instruments and the residents initiated several songs and commented about the memories these tunes evoked.  One resident commented, ‘I enjoy coming. You cheer us up.’  At the end of the session, another resident initiated a spontaneous clapping rhythm, which the whole group joined.  It seemed that no one wanted to stop clapping, as if we could go on indefinitely…

At the end of a session we felt moved by the feeling of togetherness that the session generated, but so sad that we knew that this would be our last session of this kind at Brooke Mead for some time.  However, watch this space!  We have plenty of ideas, primarily involving digital communication platforms, in which to continue delivering our ‘social space’.