Open Strings (14 January 2021)
Update from Open Strings
We are continuing to deliver several online workshops per week:
- Mondays at a local care home: songs from the 40s to the 90s (Primal Scream’s Moving On Up was a request this week!)
- Tuesdays: Silver Strings online (currently working on tone and theory, as well as various pieces such as French dance tune Horses Bransle)
- Wednesdays 2:30-3:30pm: creative & fun older people’s session Stretch and Sing (familiar songs, improvisation, songwriting, movement and dance) as part of the Ageing Well programme – NB: this is an open session: free to join in & no experience necessary – contact us for details
- Fridays 11:30am-12:30pm: dementia-friendly Music and Motion – free to join in & no experience necessary – contact us for more details
We have been running monthly Sound Mosaics workshops, with the British Library’s Unlocking Our Sound Heritage project at The Keep: creating one-off pieces using everyday sounds to accompany clips from the archive. The last public one of these is 11th February, 6-7pm; it’s free and we have spaces.
We have also been running our music training for carers sessions; these are monthly throughout Winter.
And – we’ve been working with student volunteers from University of Brighton & Bath Spa.